Gan Sinai Early Learning Center at Temple Sinai of North Dade nurtures the growth of curiosity, creativity, and connection in and among our children by providing a Jewish, child-centered, play-based, and family-focused early learning program in a nature-rich environment. We share an abiding appreciation for the unique seed of holiness that each child plants in the world and each child's capacity to reach his or her brightest potential.
Gan Sinai at Temple Sinai provides positive experiences in Jewish living with the celebration of Shabbat and the study of Jewish holidays through storytelling, music, dance, cooking, role-playing, and arts and crafts. Early exposure to customs and traditions builds strong values and guides our students to feel, understand, live and love Judaism.
The child-centered approach encourages children to take learning into their own hands, as opposed to being directed by a teacher. Children take responsibility for making choices about what they will learn and explore. Teachers listen for cues and watch interests develop to create appropriate activities, challenges, and provocations for each individual.
The child-centered method is not a new philosophy. The idea actually dates back to the 19th century where preschool was believed to be, “a garden for children” a place where each child could grow at their own pace by exploring their unique interests. This idea has developed over the years into what’s become a popular philosophy of education.
A great deal of research has concluded that play-based learning is genuinely and positively impactful on student learning and development. Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, a well-known child development expert in the Department of Psychology at Temple University and a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, argues that (children) learn best...when they are mentally active, engaged, social, and can make meaningful connections to their lives, which are all characteristics of play.
In children’s brains, when they’re playing, they’re doing the deepest learning. We know this from educational theorists such as Piaget, Vygotsky, and others who talk about the importance of play with young children. Both free and guided-play at Gan Sinai help our children grow and learn (and have so much fun!) every day.
As your child's first teachers, parents have an amazing opportunity to nurture your child's growth and development and to advocate for his or her education. That's why we pride ourselves at Gan Sinai on being "Family-Focused." We cannot do the holy work of helping your child grow and learn without you by our side.
Teachers at Gan Sinai are in constant communication with parents sharing evidence of learning and growth and offering you insights on how you can continue your child's growth beyond the school day. And while we will reach out to you regularly, we hope you will do the same to us. We have an open door policy, which means that you are welcome anytime to see your child and our program in action. We welcome your participation!
Nature-Rich Environment
Gan Sinai at Temple Sinai is situated on 14 wooded acres in Sky Lake, across the Oleta River from the Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center. A sense of serenity and natural beauty enhance everything we do on campus. We are constantly blurring the lines between inside and out, crafting a learning environment that knows no bounds.
We take full advantage of our natural surroundings with multiple gardens planted and tended by our children, a walking trail through our woods for exploration and discovery, and large, beautiful outdoor play and learning spaces.
Gan Sinai is accredited nationally by the National Council for Private School Accreditation and in Florida by the Association of Independent Schools of Florida.
Gan Sinai admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students in the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
It is our desire to be responsive to every child who is presently enrolled in our school. Re-enrollment for the next school year will begin in or around December. Please be on the look-out for re-enrollment materials. Be sure to complete these during the early enrollment period in order to ensure a space for your child, as spots fill quickly once re-enrollment opens.
Our traffic procedures have been carefully worked out to provide the maximum safety of our children. For access to our campus, all cars entering the grounds must display their carpool tag. In order for us to ensure traffic safety, arrival and dismissal procedures must be adhered to completely by each driver. The safety of all our students is our first priority.
Please do not park in the car-pool lane, use designated parking spaces when you need to leave your car. For the safety of your children, please do not conference with any of the teachers during arrival and dismissal time. This slows down car-pool procedures and poses a safety risk. We urge you to send a message in the Playground app for an appointment to speak with your child's teacher at a mutually convenient time.
Carpool is a no cell phone designated area. Please do not talk on your cell phone when dropping off or picking up children. Do not allow your children to sit on the driver's lap or to put heads or hands out the window or sunroof. All of the above is unsafe, distracting and dangerous. Proper use of seatbelts and car seats is expected; in fact, it's the law.
All children must be checked in on the Playground app upon arrival by an authorized guardian listed in the app.
In the morning, please drive slowly and cautiously into the drive-way, follow the traffic flow and pull up to the stop sign. Come to a complete stop, and put your car in "Park." A teacher will greet your child at your car and escort them inside. We respectfully ask that parents not walk their children into school as it can make "goodbyes" more difficult for your child and is disruptive to the other children in the class.
If you need to come into the school office for any reason, please park your car in a designated parking spot. Always assume that there is a small child somewhere around that you may not see, and proceed with extreme caution.
Regular arrival begins at 8:45 am and ends at 9:15am. If you arrive before 8:30 then your children can come in for some early fun at earlycare. (Please note: There is an additional fee for early drop-off.) If your children are late, please park your car in a designated spot, come to the front door and ring the bell. Don't forget to check in on the Playground app and we will escort your child to the class.
We offer many opportunities for parents to visit the classrooms and spend time in school with your children. As a reminder, we ask that parents not walk their children to class upon arrival.
Carpool tags are distributed at the beginning of the school year prior to the first day of school. Additional carpool tags may be obtained at the Gan Sinai office ($2/each). Your carpool tag should be clearly displayed. When you arrive carefully enter the driveway, drive slowly and stop in 2 rows at the stop sign.
Children will not be released to anyone other than an authorized guardian listed in the Playground app who can check children out in the app. If this is policy is not followed we will insist on speaking directly to a primary guardian and seeing proper identification.
Dismissal for half-day students begins at 12:15 p.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m. Dismissal for full-day students begins at 2:45 p.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. Friday dismissal begins at 2:15 p.m. and ends at 2:30 pm.
If you are picking up your children earlier than the scheduled dismissal time, please let us know in the Playground app. It is requested that this be done before 2:30 p.m. so as not to interfere with regular car-pool dismissal procedures.
Regular dismissal ends at 3:00 p.m. If you are unable to pick up your child by 3:00 p.m. they will join our aftercare program and you will be charged accordingly. Aftercare is available for children of all ages Monday-Thursday until 5:30 pm and Friday until 5:00 pm for an additional fee.
Birthdays are an especially happy and exciting time for young children. We invite you to bring special paper goods and a small treat (i.e. cupcakes, cake, etc.) if you wish. Please contact the classroom teacher a few days in advance to make arrangements. You can also arrange for the PTO to provide goodies by visiting www.gansinai.org/birthday
When planning parties that will take place outside of school, please remember that we are a Jewish school. Therefore, it is not appropriate to schedule parties on Friday nights, Saturday mornings or on Jewish holidays. Furthermore, we ask you to be sensitive to children's feelings when planning parties. Since our classes are small, if only one or two children are excluded from a party, it can hurt them deeply. Birthday invitations may be distributed at school as long as no children in the class are excluded.
We provide positive experiences in Jewish living through the celebration of Shabbat every Friday and learning about the celebration of Jewish holidays through storytelling, music, dance, cooking, role-playing, arts, and crafts. Our goal is to guide our students to feel, understand, live and love Judaism. We also stress the importance for children to give to those less fortunate by bringing a small amount of change every Friday for tzedakah (charity). This early love of customs and traditions nurtures the child's values and molds a well-rounded individual.
Throughout the year, each class presents a Shabbat program at our school-wide Shabbat celebration. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend this special celebration with their children.
We encourage you to experience the joy of Shabbat and Yom Tov in your home with your family. Early on, your child will know the proper blessings over the candles, challah, and wine. It is a wonderful opportunity for you to reinforce what is being taught in school, even if your observance is quite simple. Preparing and sharing a special Shabbat or Yom Tov meal serves to strengthen Jewish family values in a beautiful and meaningful way. From time to time, we offer informal instruction for those parents who feel they need direction or a refresher. The important thing is to develop a Shabbat and Yom Tov tradition in your home for your family to share.
We may also discuss other religions; however, we never celebrate the holidays of other religions in our school. Please understand that Halloween and Valentine's Day, which may seem like secular holidays due to their commercialism, originate in Christian holidays. Therefore, we do not celebrate them in any way in our school.
Children should come dressed in comfortable clothing. Although our students will wear smocks for "messy" activities, please be sure they wear clothes in which they feel free to be creative. Please bring a complete change of clothing to school for your child, in August. This clothing is to be LABELED and placed in a zip lock bag with your child's name printed clearly on the outside. Backpacks are recommended for carrying to and from school such things as artwork, show-and-tell items, flyers, etc. Please do not send your children to school with backpacks that have wheels as they do not fit into our cubbies and take up too much floor space in the classroom.
Children enjoy sharing interesting toys, records, and books. We especially encourage them to bring items that relate to the topics of the day or the unit of the week. Be sure to label items clearly. PLEASE NOTE: No play guns or weapons are ever permitted.
At various times, your children may be asked to bring an article for a special project. Help them to complete these tasks. At this level, children LOVE "homework" (especially the fun kind).
Parents with children in diapers or pull-ups (TGS and PK2 classes) are required to provide us with disposable diapers and a box of wipes to be kept in your child’s classroom. Please remember to label all items.
An essential ingredient for the success of our educational program is the establishment of good communication. We use our Playground app to stay in touch with our families and to share important updates and information with you. You can learn more about the Playground app at www.gansinai.org/playground.
Since communication is an integral part of your children's educational experience, the school will communicate with you as soon as possible, any concerns regarding your children. A phone call from a teacher or administrator does not necessarily signal a crisis; it is an expression of our concern for the children's well-being. Please keep us informed of any turn of events that might affect your children on a personal level. We love to give an EXTRA measure of T.L.C., but we can do so only if we are aware of any successes, problems, or needs.
We need to be informed about illness (either of the child or of other family members when the child's emotions may be affected), changes in behavior, extended trips, changes in transportation, changes in family status, changes in medications, or anything that might upset the child's normal routine. Our professional staff respects the confidentiality of such information.
We cannot stress enough how important it is that, if you have a problem or question concerning your children, please speak with the lead teacher first. The lead teacher is ultimately responsible for everything that affects the students' day-to-day progress and is in the best position to clarify matters or deal with problems. If you feel the problem has not been resolved after speaking to the lead teacher, then please request a meeting with the director.
Your child(ren)'s teacher is a professional with extensive responsibilities. The considerate way to contact the teacher is through the Playground app. Please do not contact your child’s teacher between 5 pm and 7:30 am or on Shabbat and holidays. The teacher will return your message as promptly as possible. It is impossible for the teacher to give your concern appropriate attention while engaged in teaching or other school responsibilities such as car-line duty. It is disrespectful to both the teacher and your child to discuss school concerns in public places or at social events.
Parents are invited to attend our Parent Orientation at the beginning of the year. This is a perfect time to put faces and names together and to become aware of the particular rules and procedures in your children's new class.
The entire family is invited and encouraged to join us at your grade's scheduled time for our back-to-school day. Please bring all of your school supplies to back to school day so we can have the classroom all ready for your child when school begins.
Parent/Teacher Conference sessions are scheduled on the school calendar twice each year. At these conferences, parents will have the opportunity to meet individually with their children's teachers. These meetings will focus on the social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development of each child. If parental concerns do not coincide with the scheduled conference times, teachers will be happy to set up special appointments.
Conferences are important to the parent, child, and teacher, and require proper preparation to be most effective. Effective treatment of concerns cannot take place in the parking lot, hallways, or in public places such as the supermarket or the synagogue.
If you desire an additional special conference or have any questions or individual concerns, please your child’s teacher. She will be happy to meet with you at a time that is mutually convenient.
In compliance with Section 10M-12:013 FDCF Code of Practice
Discipline practices at Gan Sinai include reasoning and discussions with any child(ren) involved in unacceptable behavior. Teachers consult with the Director when necessary, for appropriate disciplinary techniques. Parents are kept informed of repeated inappropriate behaviors, by telephone, in writing or through personal conferences.
No corporal punishment of any sort is EVER used.
Biting involves special disciplinary action. Any time one student bites another, the parents of both students are contacted. If there is a second or additional incident of this nature, the parents of the child who is biting will be called and are expected to take their child home immediately for the remainder of the day.
Your support in reinforcing positive behaviors and in discouraging unacceptable ones is essential in terms of enhancing the productivity of your child's school experience. For more information, please refer to our Discipline Policy available in the required forms to be signed in the Playground app.
At Gan Sinai, our goal is to help every child excel. To accomplish this we are proud to introduce you to the ECEx: Every Child Excels initiative.
Children grow and develop at their own rate. Although some children walk and talk early, others may be delayed in learning certain skills. As early childhood educators, we are often the first to see children struggling to excel in these areas. We spend every waking moment working to ensure that each child receives the unique care, support and encouragement that they need. We also recognize that we, as early childhood educators, are but one part of the developmental team and that we depend on the support of other professionals to ensure that Every Child Excels.
Speech, physical, and occupational therapists can be vital professional members of a child's team. We have always done our best to coordinate and communicate with these professionals. But now, with the creation of ECEx at Gan Sinai, we are bringing all of the professionals dedicated to your child's development together under one roof and as part of one team to ensure that every child has the tools that they need to excel.
ECEx helps ensure that children who attend Gan Sinai have access to the finest physical, occupational, and speech therapists in a dedicated and familiar space within our facility at a subsidized cost.
We are deeply grateful to the Barnett Family Foundation and the Sam Berman Charitable Foundation for making our Every Child Excels initiative possible.
At the beginning of each year, our ECEx team members offer complimentary screenings. While these screenings are discretionary we strongly encourage parents to take advantage of them. Screenings can be requested in the "Paperwork" section of the Playground app.
Parents are asked to bring in a specific nutritious and healthy snack for their child's class on a rotating basis. We also offer an optional Kosher catered lunch program in which you may choose to participate (www.gansinai.org/hotlunch).
Children who have not selected our optional Kosher catered lunch program should bring lunch and a drink from home. Please respect our Kashrut rules by NOT sending children to school with any Biblically prohibited food (i.e. shellfish, ham, pork products, etc.) Be certain to advise your child's teacher by making a note in your child’s profile in the Playground app of any allergic conditions. Label all lunch boxes, thermos containers, etc. Because we wish to promote healthy nutritional habits, we request that parents not send candy, soda, and 'junk' food in lunches. Do not use glass containers of any kind in your children's lunch box.
Temple Sinai strives to be a peanut and nut-free campus. We appreciate your assistance in this regard.
The Florida Department of Children and Families requires all students to have complete and current immunization and health records on file. These forms are available from your pediatrician's office and by law, MUST be submitted BEFORE the first day of school in order for us to maintain our license.
The following information is required to be in our files in order for us to remain licensed by the state of Florida.
A copy of your child's birth certificate
A current Health Form
A copy of Immunization records
A signed copy of the "Distracted Adult Brochure" (download)
A signed copy of the brochure on "Influenza Virus, The Flu, A Guide to Parents" (download)
A completed copy of the "Child Day Care Licensing Alternate Nutrition Plan Agreement" (download)
A signed copy of the "Temple Sinai of North Dade Discipline Policy" (download)
The Florida Department of Children and Families is regularly updating its policies and requirements. We will keep you informed of any new DCF policies we need you to sign to be in compliance.
Vaccination as a Jewish value
Each year, the American Academy of Pediatrics publishes a “Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule.” Practicing pediatricians across North America recognize this schedule as the standard of care regarding childhood & adolescent vaccinations. Concurrently, the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) annually publish vaccine standards for adults.
Among our most cherished Jewish values is the imperative for preserving life and maintaining health. We embrace this value specifically by taking preventive measures to protect the public health of our synagogue community as a whole. This is why we require all children, staff, and faculty who attend our summer camp, Religious School, Early Childhood Education, and youth programs to adhere to the immunization standards described below.
Vaccination is a shared responsibility and is our expectation
Parents send their children to Temple Sinai to enjoy themselves, have positive social interactions, learn from the rich Jewish environment and be safe and healthy. All the fun, friendship building, Jewish identity affirmation, and character development can only happen if we are confident that individual safety and public health remain at the center of every decision made throughout our programs. Reducing the risk of vaccine‐preventable illnesses entering any of our programs is the most effective strategy to protect public health. This goal can be accomplished only through the appropriate vaccination of all participants and staff.
What we require
All participants and staff are required to have completed the most current age‐appropriate vaccine schedule recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control. Listed below are the recommendations at the time of adoption of this policy.
Children below the age of 11 will have completed all of the age-appropriate numbers of doses of each immunization listed below, the specific number of doses depends on the age of the child:
DTaP (Diptheria, Tetanus & Pertussis) HiB (Haemophilus Type B)
IPV (Polio)
MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) PCV13 (Pneumococcus)
Varicella (Chicken Pox)
Children between 11 and 12 years of age will have completed all of their age-appropriate vaccine schedules which specifically contains the doses as noted here:
DTaP/DT/TDaP (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus) – 5 doses
Varicella (Chicken Pox) – 2 doses
MMR (Measles‐Mumps‐Rubella) – 2 doses
For children over age 11 (completion of the above series listed in #2, PLUS):
Meningococcal (Menactra or Menveo) – 1 dose, second booster dose at age 16
TDaP booster (Pertussis, Tetanus) ‐ 1 dose between ages 11–12 (As per above)
For anyone over age 18 (completion of the above series listed in #3, PLUS):
Pertussis & Tetanus (TDaP) – Booster doses are given every 10 years after the dose given in early adolescence, please ensure you are up to date.
Pneumococcus, Meningococcus, Shingles ‐ Please review your eligibility for these vaccines with your health care provider.
Highly recommended for everyone:
Hepatitis A – 2 doses
Hepatitis B – 3 doses
Influenza – 1 dose (2 if never previously immunized). Influenza remains a serious illness for all age groups. There have been recent seasonal influenza patterns that have extended into the summer. Since we do not yet know the probability this year if influenza will extend into the summer months, we VERY STRONGLY RECOMMEND that participants and staff receive the flu vaccine this year.
Yes, there are very, very rare exceptions to the Temple Sinai Vaccination Policy
We recognize that individuals who have had a documented allergy or severe adverse reaction to a particular vaccine may not be able to complete the immunization schedule outlined above. Additionally, individuals with medical conditions such as congenital immunodeficiency or HIV, cancer and who are receiving chemotherapy, transplant patients, and persons receiving immunosuppressive drugs and chronic steroids also may not be able to receive certain vaccines. In these extremely rare circumstances, current documentation from a Physician (MD or DO) describing the reason for exemption from immunization must be furnished to Temple Sinai. We are happy to discuss case by case management of the extremely rare circumstance of medical contraindication to partial or complete vaccination.
This policy aligns with the “2019 Policy Statement on Vaccine Status of Campers, Staff, Faculty, and their families attending URJ Camps and Israel Programs” and the Central Conference of American Rabbis’ Responsa 5759.10 “Compulsory Immunization.” (Adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 25, 2019.)
On average, preschoolers experience eight to ten illnesses a year. We know that managing the demands of work can be challenging when your child is ill. We strive to limit the spread of communicable diseases in our center and are committed to implementing policies that balance and respect the needs of children, families, and staff in these circumstances.
Our Child Illness Policy is based on the Model Health Care Policies developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Exclusion from the center is sometimes necessary either to reduce the transmission of illness or because the center is not able to adequately meet the needs of the child. Mild illnesses are common among children, and infections are often spread before the onset of any symptoms. In these cases, we try to keep the children comfortable throughout the day.
Please keep your child at home if s(he):
Has an illness that prevents the child from participating comfortably in program activities, such as going outdoors.
Has an illness that results in a greater need for care than our staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children.
Is ill during the night or has a poor night’s sleep - this may be the first sign of an impending illness
Has a fever (100 degrees or above) or has had one during the previous 24 hour period
Has a cold that is less than four days old
Has a heavy nasal discharge
Has a constant cough
Has diarrhea or watery stools
Has vomited more than 2 times in the previous 24 hours
Is fussy, cranky, and generally out of sorts
Is just tired - rest at such times may prevent the development of serious illness
Has symptoms of a possible communicable disease (rash, hives, bodily discharge, etc.)
Children suffering from a common cold will be assessed on an individual basis. Factors of consideration include the developmental level of your child in congruence with our ability to limit the spread of germs. The younger your child, the more difficult it is to keep the spread of germs down. For example, hand to face contact, mouthing of toys, uncontrolled nasal discharge, uncovered sneezing and coughing, etc.
As our world struggles with the COVID-19 pandemic, we have instituted a set of protocols and procedures for the re-opening of our campus. Please click here to read our “COVID-19” guidelines.
For your child's comfort, and to reduce the risk of contagion, we ask that children who exhibit any of the signs listed above be picked up within 1.5 hours of notification. Until then, your child will be kept comfortable and will continue to be observed for symptoms.
Children need to remain home for 24 hours without symptoms before returning to the program unless the center receives a note from the child’s medical provider stating that the child is not contagious and may return to the center. In the case of a (suspected) contagious disease, rash, or continuing symptoms, a note from the child’s medical provider may be required before the child can return.
The final decision on whether to exclude a child from the program due to illness will be made by the center.
Please notify us at once if your child has a communicable disease so we are able to inform other parents. We exercise discretion and confidentiality at all times. If your child contracts lice, pinworm, conjunctivitis, strep throat, etc. PLEASE BE SURE TO INFORM US. If your child is found to have nits or lice during our periodic checks (s)he is to be picked up immediately and kept home for a full 24 hours after using a delousing product.
IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE SCHOOL BE MADE AWARE OF ALL HEALTH ISSUES (i.e. seizures, allergies, asthma, tubes in ears, a tendency towards high fever, etc.) We have no way of properly dealing with your children if we don't have adequate information. You can share medical information in the Playground app or directly with your child’s teacher.
Medicine can be dangerous. NEVER send medicine to school with your children. Parents are requested to personally bring medication to the school office in such circumstances. The office and your children's teachers are to be notified if your children are required to have medication administered. A medication authorization form (found in the Playground app) must be filled out by the parent before any medication can be dispensed. Medication must be in the original container from the doctor or pharmacy. The dosage instructions, including the type of medication, must be clearly stated on the medication. We cannot give OTC (over the counter) medication without written instructions by a physician.
It is imperative that we have the name and telephone number of someone local for us to contact in case you cannot be reached. Please provide the name of several individuals who live or work close enough to pick your children up if you cannot be reached or come to school yourself. This contact information should be entered into your child’s profile in the Playground app. The school reserves the right to take emergency action on behalf of the children if parents cannot be reached, and if a delay would jeopardize the children's health or safety.
In the event that there is a weather-related emergency such as a hurricane or tornado, the school will make a decision about closing, based on the procedures set out by the Miami Dade County Public School system. Every attempt will be made to contact you as soon as possible to inform you of a weather-related school closure.
Fire drills are held monthly throughout the school year. It is each teacher's responsibility to teach her students the proper procedures for properly evacuating the school in case of an emergency. School lock-downs and evacuations to a nearby location are held regularly throughout the school year.
Gan Sinai is a school of one voice, many languages. Because we are a private Jewish school located in a diverse community that draws families from all over the world, we warmly embrace and welcome families by being inclusive in all possible ways. We are proud to have bi-lingual teachers in both Spanish and Hebrew so children are able to have familiarity with their home language.
In compliance with Florida State Statutes, Gan Sinai requires documentation as to who has legal custody in the case of divorce. If there is no legal documentation, then both parents have the right of access to pick up their children. It is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide legal documentation verifying custody arrangements. Custodial parents are responsible for notifying the school, in writing, of any special circumstances with regard to the rights and obligations of the non-custodial parent. This includes providing written permission for the non-custodial parent to pick up a child on a regular basis or for a special occasion.
Everything your children bring to school should be labeled with their name in order to prevent its loss and to facilitate returning it to its proper owner. The school cannot be responsible for lost items. Lost and found will be kept in the school office. Unidentified articles will be donated to charity if, after several attempts, they are not claimed.
We encourage parents to become active in Temple Sinai's Parent/Teacher Association (PTA), which is dedicated to supporting and assisting the school. PTA participation involves fund-raising, service, and fellowship. The PTA helps to provide an important link between home and school, sponsoring such projects as challah sales and special holiday events. Watch for announcements of activities, sign up, and get involved!
We are a community dedicated to creating a safe and loving environment for our students, families, staff and friends. We believe that a supportive and positive environment is key to the success of our community. As parents and guardians, you play an essential role in fostering this environment. To ensure that our gan remains a place of growth, respect, and collaboration, we expect all parents to adhere to the following principles:
1. Respectful Communication
Towards One Another: We encourage open, honest, and kind communication among all parents. When interacting with each other in person, through the Playground app, in WhatsApp or other messaging platforms or on social media, please be considerate, listen actively, and respect differing perspectives. Let’s create a community where everyone feels valued and supported.
Towards Staff Members: Our staff members are dedicated to providing the best care and education for your children. We ask that all communication with staff be conducted with respect and understanding. We encourage you to share your thoughts, ask questions, and provide feedback in a constructive manner, keeping in mind our shared goal of supporting your child’s development.
2. Constructive Sharing of Concerns
If you have any frustrations, concerns, or suggestions, we encourage you to share them with us directly. Please approach staff members or administration with a positive and solution-oriented mindset. We are here to listen and work together to find the best outcomes for everyone involved. Concerns related to the classroom should first be addressed with the lead teacher. Community related concerns or those not fully addressed by the lead teacher should be brought to the attention of the director.
3. Honoring Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
To ensure the safety and smooth operation of Gan Sinai we kindly ask all parents to honor and follow our established drop-off and pick-up procedures. You can review them at www.gansinai.org/backtoschool (scroll down to Drop off/Pick up). These guidelines are in place to keep our children safe and to maintain a calm and organized environment. By adhering to these procedures, you help us create a positive experience for everyone.
4. Timely Pick-Up
We understand that life can be busy, but it is important that all children are picked up on time at the end of the day. Prompt pick-up helps our staff manage their schedules and ensures that every child feels secure and cared for. We appreciate your commitment to respecting our center’s hours of operation.
5. Abiding by Our Wellness Policy
The health and well-being of our children and staff are of utmost importance. We ask all parents to abide by our wellness policy, which outlines guidelines for illness, hygiene, and overall health practices within our center. By following this policy, you help us create a healthy environment for everyone. The full policy is available for your review at www.gansinai.org/wellness.
6. Community Engagement
We believe that active participation strengthens our Sinai community. As such, we expect each family to contribute at least 2 hours of volunteer time over the course of the year. This could be in the form of helping at events, supporting classroom activities, or assisting with special projects. Your involvement models for and enriches the experience for all of our children and helps us maintain a vibrant, collaborative environment.
7. Supporting Our Annual Giving Campaign
Your contributions to our Annual Giving Campaign are vital to balancing our budget and sustaining the high standards of our center. The funds raised support everything from paying our dedicated staff fair wages, making capital improvements to our campus and facilities, to providing the highest level of programming for your children. We hope that all parents, grandparents, and friends will contribute to the best of their capacity to this essential campaign, as your support directly impacts the quality of education and care we can provide.
8. Modeling Positive Behavior
As role models for our children, we ask all parents to demonstrate the values we hope to instill in our young learners. By showing kindness, patience, participation and cooperation, we help create a nurturing space where every child feels safe and supported.
This Code of Conduct is available in the Playground app under "paperwork". We ask each family to review it and sign off on these standards in the app.
You can follow your child’s progress in real-time by downloading our Playground app. Whenever your child shows evidence of learning we upload a picture or video to the app and you are notified. Playground is a powerful tool to help us document each child’s progress and keep you informed. Playground is also our hub for all Gan Sinai information. Using the app you will receive updates, calendar invites and messages from Gan Sinai and your child’s teacher.
Twice a year, you will receive a student narrative from your child’s teacher. These narratives will summarize your child’s progress toward his or her learning goals. These Student Narratives will build upon the information you were given during Parent-Teacher Conferences and will identify specific “next steps” to deepen and extend your child’s learning.
Our school arranges for individual and class pictures to be taken each year, usually sometime in the winter. You will receive details about the scheduling of school pictures. The purchase of these pictures is entirely at your discretion.
We have an open-door policy and welcome parents to visit throughout the day with the exception of during drop off. For reasons of security and planning, we ask that you clear your visit with your child’s Lead Teacher in advance, and check-in with the office before going to your child’s classroom.
Please give the children a few weeks at the beginning of the school year to adjust to their new routine. Children enjoy having parents share their experiences. If you would like to help out by sharing a special hobby or talent, please let your children's teachers know.
Please cooperate and do your part by communicating with the teacher and/or the Director concerning any positive or not so positive experiences your child might have. We need to work together in order to achieve our goals. We LOVE to hear the good things and we will work as hard as possible to turn negatives into positives if they occur!